During the next two weeks, children across the country will be returning to school. While some districts have retained remote-learning options for students, many schools will be returning to in-person classes. For the families of […]
Next to law enforcement and military personnel, educators have one of the most demanding jobs on the planet. In fact, according to stress.org, teachers are more likely to feel job-related stress than individuals in other […]
Summer break is here and so are the plethora of opportunities for family-friendly fun and entertainment. The weather is warmer, the sun is out longer, and students are soaking up their freedom before school starts […]
The long-awaited summer break is finally here and teachers and students alike are taking advantage of their newfound freedom. After a year of online learning, hybrid classes, and social distancing, summer vacation 2021 feels especially […]
The long-awaited summer break is finally here and teachers and students alike are taking advantage of their newfound freedom. After a year of online learning, hybrid classes, and social distancing, summer vacation 2021 feels especially […]
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that affects about 9 percent of children in the United States. Children with ADHD often find it difficult to keep focused on one task for an extended period […]
We live in a time when anxiety levels are higher than ever. Anxiety disorders affect about 40 million American adults, or nearly one fifth of the population, every year. Between the COVID-19 pandemic, a presidential […]
The school year is quickly coming to an end, and as summer break approaches, many students and parents are looking for thoughtful ways to show appreciation to their teachers. The 2020 school year was fraught […]
We’ve all heard that a good night’s sleep is important for maintaining energy and alertness during the day, but did you know that sleeping for at least ten hours each night is essential for children’s […]
With summer break approaching, the days getting longer, and the weather getting warmer, teachers and parents may find students’ attention spans and interest in completing homework decreasing. Students in grade school typically spend between 5 […]